Thursday, February 28, 2008


When I was young, I used to relish celebrating my half-birthday. Well, it was a celebration in my mind, at least; we never had any real celebration of the event, but I enjoyed remembering the day, nonetheless. As I mentioned in my previous post, Jack was six months old on February 25th (marking his "half-birthday"). We celebrated the event by going to the doctor, peeing all over the scale (Jack, not Mommy and Daddy), and receiving several shots (Jack again). For the first time, Jack had a bit of a reaction to the shots, but is feeling better now.

We learned that Jack is 27.5 inches tall (85th percentile), 17 pounds 14 ounces (58th percentile), and his head is 46.5 cm (98th percentile). We knew he had a big head, but didn't know it was bigger than 98% of babies his age. Hopefully, it is filled with brains and not rocks or one big boulder.

Here are some of his six month pictures that I mentioned the other day.

Giddyup, pillow!

Senior pictures only 17 years away

You're right, these do have a funky odor

It's damn hard work holding up a big noggin like this!


Such-Great-Heights said...

Hey there Hender-Lembcke's (hehe),
Thanks so much for the comment on my blog this morning. I must admit that I haven't been a good blogger or reader lately, but I loved catching up on Jack news this morning! Happy half birthday! He is so adorable...looks like such a perfect mix of you and Nick. Beautiful family.

Hey, Kris and I were just talking and we think it would be wonderful for us (maybe Kim too?) to come up some Saturday and all of us go to the Apple Valley zoo together when it gets warmer out. What do you think?

All About DK said...

Hey there!!! OK...that little guy is just too cute for words. The picutres are great. K :-)