Thursday, January 31, 2008

Update: The Henderlembckes

When I started this blog, I never intended it to be a few times a month kind of thing, but here it is almost February, and well, I have only posted twice in January. There are many times during the week that I think, wow, that's a good idea for a post, but then I am consumed with work, laundry, baby Jack, and sleep (not necessarily in that order) and I never make it to the computer. But we have eaten dinner, the little one is fast asleep, and there is an hour or so before the season premiere of Lost, so I thought I would (briefly) catch you up on the happenings of the Henderlembckes*.

When I posted on New Year's day, I wrote about the many changes that 2008 would bring for us. We've managed to accomplish most of what we've set out to do in 2008 so far. Jack started daycare without a hitch. He has a wonderful daycare provider a few blocks from our home who spoils him with love, hugs, and attention. Most of the time, Jack is the only child there. He shares Grandma Sherri with two four-year-olds on Mondays, two school-age kids come a few days a week, and every so often a 15-month old waddler joins the crew. Nick and I have arranged our schedules so that we each have every other Friday off, so we get some extra time with Jack and Sherri gets her Fridays off.

I love daycare!

I have joined the ranks of telecommuters and it is a bit trickier than one might think. I am not the biggest fan of getting ready to go to work in the morning, and it's even harder to make that happen when you aren't really "going" to work. Some days, I stay in my pajamas/lounge pants all day and forget to brush my teeth until after I eat lunch. It doesn't really affect my productivity, but it does affect my ego when I realize that I forgot to put on deodorant for the day (and no, it's not a smell that reminds me, smart aleck). I have found that overall the advantages to working at home outweigh the drawbacks, but it is definitely different than I expected. A recent story in the New York Times confirmed some of my feelings.

We have purchased a new car and, much to our surprise (and maybe yours), it is a minivan. I was shopping around for the best used car we could get for the money, and, lo and behold, stumbled across this Honda Odyssey. I know that some of you Kiwis are not familiar with the term minivan and may wonder what it looks like - I'll post a picture as soon as we get the salt washed off of it.

We are the proud aunt, uncle, and cousin to little Andy. We went to Madison to check him out in person last weekend and man, is he a sweetie. His parents, Grant and Anne, are hanging in there during the (most amazing and hardest) first weeks. Grandpa Roy is bursting with pride (well, as much as he "bursts") at the newest additions to the family. The minivan survived the road trip and its spaciousness allowed us to feed and diaper Jack without having to take him out in the cold.

Little Andy

And it has been cold. Yesterday was the coldest day of the season, with high temperatures well below zero and wind chills close to 30 degrees below (Fahrenheit). We are headed for a big warm-up this weekend - highs in the 20s. Gotta love winter in Minnesota.

Mom, I can't put my arms down!

I will post some more pictures of Jack and his cousin in the next few days, but now I have to run and watch the Lost: Past, Present, and Future show so my brain is ready to absorb the new episode scheduled for 8pm. This writer's strike (and that darn baby) have really put a cramp in our TV viewing this season. Gotta catch the new shows when we can!

*The Clever King came up with this nickname a few years ago for our dual last name family while playing The Sims and it has stuck.


Kris said...

Thanks for the update. i may join the ranks of "folks working from home" next year and I'm starting to consider what that looks like. Kind of scary...

All About DK said...

I am so glad to see an update on you guys. Love the new pics of Jack (of course!) and that new nephew of yours is pretty damn cute too!! I hope we can make it out there this year so I can see those munchkins myself. You will love being an aunt. We have had some great examples to show us how to be great aunts. Love you guys and stay warm!

Darla said...

Always enjoy your updates! Happy to see you're enjoying motherhood. By the way, Ryan & I did get up at 6am in the morning to watch the Packers last game live, however, I did refuse to cook the hot dogs (couldn't find brats plus too scary to think about contents since we've had a few meat flavor surprises) until 10am. Stay warm!