Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Beginning

Well, I have finally succumbed to temptation. I am starting my own blog. Nick started one a while back and I remember thinking, "why on earth would someone want to have a blog, I would never do that. He must have too much time on his hands." Flash forward three years and one baby later and here I am, eating crow while typing my first blog entry. (Side note: Nick posted semi-regularly for a year or so and then busied himself with household chores, Xbox, football watching, and work, and indeed ran out of time, until recently when he posted about Jack's birth.)

Why did I decide to start a blog now? There are a few reasons.
For the almost six weeks that I have been on maternity leave, I have been loving reading the blogs of my friends and family. Although they all update their blogs regularly, it is never quite enough for me, who obsessively checks each one several times a day to see if they have written anything new. I thought a blog of my own would keep me from becoming too (much more) neurotic about this. (One would think that a new baby might keep me busy 24/7, but, surprisingly, I have more time on my hands than you might think, especially now that Nick has gone back to work, my dad has returned home, and it is just me, Jack, and Hank, our loving, but non-verbal cat, all day, every day.)

Also, I talked to my aunt last week and she told me that she has enjoyed the blog that my cousin's wife started about a year ago, shortly after their daughter was born, because it has allowed family who reside at a distance to receive regular updates on the little one. Nick and I have so many friends and family that are far away, that I agreed this would be a good way to keep everyone who is interested posted about Jack and his (of course) amazing exploits.

Finally, because I am not at work, I am missing my usual captive audience for all of my stories, thoughts, and opinions. I thought a blog would give me an outlet for those as well.

"You Don't Know Jack" will hopefully allow all of you to get to know darling Jack better, see pictures of him as he grows, and give you some insight into our day-to-day life and how my brain works. (Feel free to skip those posts, if you wish!) I hope you return to take a look!

P.S. Thanks to my darling husband for coming up with the name for my blog. ALL of his ideas (including the ones that I did not use, such as Badger in the Gopher Hole) were MUCH better than mine (such as Henderlembcke's Hood). I hope Jack gets his daddy's quick wit and creativity.


ao said...

sweet! I will add it to my roll so I can easily follow your adventures.

All About DK said...

YEAH!!! I am not working either and obsessed myself, so don't feel alone!! I think that we all should do one. Now you just gotta get your brother in on it when his little bundle of joy is born. It is especially great for me since I NEVER get to see anyone anymore and I really miss that. Makes me feel just a little closer. Miss you guys and hopefully one day soon I will get to hold my new cousin...before he is too big to hold!

Love you guys and take care.
Kiersten :-)

GML Family said...

I love it! I will be obsessively checking this one as well as the others that I do on a regular basis! The great part about this is 9 months down the road, when Jack is about to walk, you can look back at his pictures in astonishment! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! :) - Greg, Mary and Kaylen

Kris said...

I love the idea! I can't wait to meet your new addition. And I think you'll find that having a blog will not only fill your time but provide you with a creative outlet. I know i've enjoyed having mine for that function.

And if you're looking for another fun one to read, one that i like quite a bit is She writes about being a mom, wacky family stuff and general work and life balance. You may enjoy her sarcasm and wit.

Miss you.

Jen Dockerty said...

Amy this is great. /i love the name of your blog too that husband of yours is so clever. I must say I am very impressed. It tells me you are adjusting to motherhood quite well. I look forward to future posts.

T said...

Hey you guys,

Can't wait to meet jack. What about those All Blacks?

Erika said...

This is really cool, Amy! It is a really nice way to stay updated. I hope to talk and visit very soon and meet Jack!

Wildfire said...

AMY AND NICK! Jack is so beautiful, Jacob loved seeing him. Keep it up! Make sure my sister does the same when she makes me an Aunt. Take care!
Love ya, Susan and litle Jake